The FAL Species-Complex

The FAL Species-Complex

FAL is poorly defined in the literature, but well known in the hobby. Ahl discovered this fish, preserved a specimen and labeled it as being from Ghana. Fish in the FAL species group are found in Cameroon, thousands of miles away. Worse, the type speciumen in the British Museum is hoplessly mangled and nothing can be learned from it according to Huber (pers comms)

After decades it appears the fish from Mounka is what we think FAL reprersents; in the 1980s two signifiicantly diffeernt forms appeared, one from Kribi and one from Malende, described as F. kribianus and F. swoiseri respectively.

FAL has a row of heavy carmine spots in the dorsal fin, quite close to but never touching the body. All have a row of heavy carmine spots in the dorsal fin, quite close to but never touching the body. Recall that SHO has a unique character in the form of a carmine band ar the base of the dorsal fin. THe FAL group do not have this but do have what may perhaps be the remnants of one. If you look at enough killifish for long enough and become famjiliar with the carmine spots and bars and especially the vermiform markingsa og the throat, things become a bit more clear. DEL and FAL group species can by difficult to distinguish from a glance, but up close it's obvious FAL species have carmins vermiform marking on the throat to the underside of the jaw whereas in DEL the marking only go down halfway and the underside of the jaw is white to light beighr and never any markings there. These pattersn very rarely if ever change within a species or species group; in members of tghe FAL complex these vermiform mareking on the throat seem to be consistant and perhaps a reliable way to differentiate members of the GUL group.

F. fallax

FAL has no (or very few) carmine spots in the anal fin and caudal fin and seldom if ever has a carmine band in the anal fin, it does have a carmine band in the lower caudal fin.

F. kribianus

KRI is more of a slender lemon yellow fish that always has spots in the anal and caudal fins.

F. schwoiseri

SWO has a yellow anal fisn with a carmins submasrginal band also fouind int the caudal and ventral fins. It tends to be more of a blue fish

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