
Checklist of the Fishes of the Kundelungu National Park (Upper Congo Basin, DR Congo): Species Diversity and Endemicity of a Poorly Known Ichthyofauna
Checklist of the Fishes of the Kundelungu National Park (Upper Congo Basin, DR Congo): Species Diversity and Endemicity of a Poorly Known Ichthyofauna

Figure A3. Life photographs of the females of the Kneria taxa as the holotype of K. wittei is a female, and unsexed specimens of the Parakneria species from the KNP and its surroundings. ab: above falls; and bl: below falls. (a) Topotypic specimens of Kneria wittei from the Kamikuwa River, near Makala Village (Lukuga Basin); (b) Kneria stappersii, Kamatete River, right bank tributary of Lubumbashi River, type basin of the species; (c) Kneria sp. ‘luansa-ab’ of above the Luansa Falls, in the Luansa River; (d) Kneria sp. ‘maxi’ of below the Luansa Falls; (e) Kneria sp. ‘katwei’ of above the Lutshipuka Falls, in the Lutshipuka River; (f) Kneria sp. ‘lutshipuka-bl’, of below the Lutshipuka Falls; (g) Kneria sp. ‘luijiensis’ of above Luiji Falls in the Luiji River; (h) Kneria sp. ‘restrictus’ of below the Luiji Falls; (i) Kneria sp. ‘kasangaensis’ of above Kasanga Falls, in Kasanga Falls; (j) Kneria sp. ‘musipasi-ab’ of above Musipasi Falls, in Musipasi River; (k) Kneria sp. ‘masansa-ab-uniform’ of above Masansa Falls, in Masansa River; (l) Kneria sp. ‘seegersii-lofoi-bl’, of below the Lofoi Falls, in Lofoi River; (m) Parakneria thysi of the Kyubo rapids, above Kyubo Falls, its type locality; (n) Parakneria cf. thysi of the Lofoi River; (o) Parakneria malaissei complex, of the Luisé River; and (p) of the Lutshipuka River.

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