

Guenter Oberjatzas

Aquarist, explorer, photographer.


Rachel Oleary

Author, public speaker and specialist in nano tanks and freshwater invertebrates


Dr. Michael K. Oliver

Rift Cichlid Ichthyologist with an emphasis on Malawi cichlids.

"At Thumbi Island East in Monkey Bay, Malawi, 1971. One of many sessions watching mbuna I had marked with colored bead tags. Richard Furzer took the picture."


Marshall E. Ostrow

Writer, editor of Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. On a personal note, I (rjs) recall in the may or june issue in 1974 he wrote the prhase "the llogic is flawless even if the premises are open to suspicion" which I thought was particularly elegant for an amateir tropical fish magazine. More people should learn to write like Marshall Ostrow.