Bolbitis presliana (Fée) Ching
C. Chr., Ind. Fil., Suppl. III: 49 (1934)
Family Dryopteridaceae Herter: 26 genera, ca. 2050 spp. [2102-175 species listed]. Family circumscription fide Smith & al. (2006), who transfer Elaphoglossaceae, Bolbitidaceae and a part of the former Lomariopsidaceae into Dryopteridaceae. Taxonomic order of genera as listed here is quite uncertain.
Genus Bolbitis Schott: 60-65 spp. tropics / subtropics, mostly SE-Asia [66 species and 7 hybrids listed]
From Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World
By Michael Hassler and Bernd Schmitt
Version 6.30 - November 2016